Email is the soul of all course sales.

A few weeks ago I released a new course.

The Email Masterclass.

You never heard about it.

Because the course is exclusively for The Chillers Collective.

I’m thinking of opening The Email Masterclas for a short period.

It will only be available for chillers on my email list.

In the course I share how I run my daily newsletter that has sold over $50k in coaching and courses.

Would you be interested in buying the Email Masterclass?

I’m looking forward to your reply.

Virgil “Exclusive access” Brewster.

Welcome To The Chillers Collective.

I’ve built a $10M course business. Now I help entrepreneurs monetize their minds with systems, courses and scaleable services. Join my daily newsletter, and we'll build your business together. Have a quick read through previous letters and sign up below.

Read more from Welcome To The Chillers Collective.

Sales is the heart of your business. You know that, and yet you do everything to avoid it. I get it… Selling is hard, especially when your mind is in the way.But when you carry on like this, the odds are against you. Courses will not sell themselves.That’s why today we dive into the beautiful world of social selling. You're building relationships, you have conversations But when it comes to making an offer, you hit a roadblock. You end up having a million conversations, and not a single offer...

“Guys. this is Vrgil’s homework.”Mr klusien said while holding up a wrinkled paper with a few words on it.The whole class burst into laughter.“Because you didn’t do your homework,”“You can stay after school and work on your math.When my homework was done, I asked Mr Klusien:“Why do you love teaching math?”I didn’t expect much."You know Virgil, I love maths."When I teach, I get a deeper understanding."There is a flaw in the way we learn.You see, our school system teaches you to study theory....

I have been playing around with LinkedIn.At first, I was hating on the platform. It is boring. People are only selling stuff. But I have to come back from that. LinkedIn is quite cool.When you tell stories, share lessons and end with a CTA, you can sell from the platform. And you know what?Those boring LinkedIn peeps are great clients.That's why I encourage you to try LinkedIn. This is what I do. Or, to be brutally honest, what my VA does for most of the part? Share great stories. Reply to...